About Our Single-Ply Roofing Services

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Your commercial building is a significant investment. Therefore, you need a dependable and sturdy roof to protect you and your belongings inside. When discussing the various options available, single-ply roofing is definitely one of the most popular. If your industrial or commercial building is in Fairlawn, OH, and you are looking for top-notch single-ply roofing services, including installation and maintenance, your top choice is the team at Century Commercial Roofing.

Single-ply roofing systems are an cost-effective solution to improve the overall performance and longevity of your existing roof, without the time and expense of a tear-off and replacement project. With our years of experience in the commercial roofing industry, Century Commercial Roofing can provide the skill and experience to ensure your single-ply system performs to peak levels. Contact us at 330-926-6972 for additional information.

Benefits of Single-Ply Roofing

Single-ply roofing can be divided into three different subtypes: TPO, PVC, and EPDM. Every subtype is suited for a particular type of building and weather conditions. Nonetheless, all of them share certain benefits.

Single-Ply Roofing Services

To begin with, single-ply roofing is convenient to both install and maintain. Its excellent durability makes it resistant to foot traffic and heavy storms. This reduces the chances of punctures or tears developing on your roof. In addition, the material used to make this roofing type is reflective, meaning that your building will absorb less sunlight. As the heat is reflected away from your building, the interior remains cooler, reducing HVAC load and cooling costs.

By reducing electricity demand, It even helps improve your overall carbon footprint!

Single-ply roofing systems stand up to a diversity of harsh weather conditions and have proven themselves to be resistant to many chemicals and different types of fungi growth.

About Our Crew

There are many contractors to choose from for your next project. Nonetheless, what helps us stand out from other companies in the area is the matchless craftsmanship that our team displays, as well as our use of first-rate materials. This combination allows us to provide excellent results in every project. We invite you to discover for yourself why so many building owners in the area continue to choose us!

Contact Us Now

If you are looking for single-ply roofing professionals in Fairlawn, OH, then the team at Century Commercial Roofing is your best choice. We have the skills and experience you are looking for. Call us today at 330-926-6972, and request your estimate for your single-ply roofing project! We would be thrilled to partner with you.