Spray Foam Roofing – Wadsworth, OH

Spray Foam Roofing1

There are many uses for spray foam. However, most people do not realize they can also get spray foam roofing. This roofing system is lighter and better at preventing leaks. If your commercial building is in Wadsworth, OH, you should call Century Commercial Roofing for more information on what a spray foam roof can do for you. Our office number is (330) 926-6972.

A Few Benefits

A few of the benefits of spray foam roofing are leak prevention, fewer materials going into landfills, and cost-effectiveness. Spray foam expands to ten times the original size, allowing it to seal any cracks or open areas in your roof. This includes spaces where mechanical fasteners have been installed. This creates an impenetrable surface on your roof. Since less materials are going into your roof, fewer materials will end up in landfills. Landfills are expensive; let us face it: things do not break down quickly. The fewer things we must put into them, the less it will cost and the better it is for the environment. Also, with fewer materials needed for this roofing project, fewer workers are required. This saves you money on both fronts. There is less need for roofers on a spray foam job. The fewer workers there are, the smaller your labor costs are.

About Spray Foam

Spray Foam Roofing

Spray foam starts its life as two separate liquids. When they are mixed, they have a chemical reaction, thus creating foam. When it has the proper amount of time to set, this particular foam turns into a solid. Once it is set, we will trim it down, creating an even, eye-pleasing surface. Spray foam roofing requires maintenance just like any other roofing system. However, it does not need these services as often as other roofing systems. Thus saving you money in maintenance costs, among additional savings in other areas. Another noticeable impact is in heating and cooling costs. These are affected by microscopic cracks that allow air to transfer through your roofing materials. However, foam roofing seals all these areas, preventing this transfer and allowing your HVAC unit to work at optimal capacity.

Call Us Today

Whether you already have a spray foam roof or want to add spray foam roofing to your commercial building in Wadsworth, OH, you can trust our crew to manage it. Century Commercial Roofing has been working with spray foam roofing for years. Give us a call today at (330) 926-6972.