Commercial Roof Restoration Benefits

Commercial roof restoration is one of the best ways to bring an old roof up to date without the mess and expense of a full roof replacement. If your building is in Kent, OH, Century Commercial Roofing would like to show you how we can restore your commercial roof and bring it back to its full glory. Call us at our office on (330) 926-6972.

The Commercial Roof Restoration Process

Commercial roof restoration services require the roof to be inspected prior to beginning the restoration. This will ensure your roof is getting the proper service and that it is in good enough condition for a restoration to be effective.

The roof will then be thoroughly cleaned, removing dirt, debris, and any foreign material that is on your roof. This will ensure the roof is clean to be restored properly.

Once the roof is clean and dry, we then proceed to restore the roof. Frequently the roof restoration comes with a roof coating. This coating provides many additional benefits to the restored roof.

The restoration process will take a day or so to complete from beginning to end. The process also keeps the roof from an additional set of repairs that will need to be added.

Commercial Roof Restoration Benefits


A contemporary roof restoration offers so many benefits, it is hard to limit this list to only a few!

Increased Longevity: Adding a seamless layer of waterproofing material across the entire roof protects the structure from environmental damage, adding years of productive service.

Improved Waterproofing: The coating materials utilized in a commercial roof restoration are silicone and acrylic based. This makes them repel water. The seamless nature of a coating application eliminates the most common area for leak development (the seams), improving waterproofing.

Increased Energy Efficiency: Modern coatings are made with highly reflective properties. They have been shown to reflect up to 85% of solar heat away from the roof. This reduces the load on your HVAC units, decreases electricity consumption and reduces cooling costs; up to 30% in some locations.

Renewable: Assuming the underlying structure remains in good condition, a commercial roof restoration may be reapplied as needed. Not only is the application renewable, so is the warranty!

Local Commercial Roof Restoration Experts

When you have a commercial building, there will come times when you have a choice to make. You can either replace the roof or opt for a commercial roof restoration. The Century Commercial Roofing team would be honored to manage your commercial roof restoration service. If your building is in Kent, OH, call us at (330) 926-6972, and your roof will be as solid as the day it was installed and look as good as new. Call today!